Re: the article in today's Week in Review by the guy who decided to check himself out in Wikipedia and it turned out that it claimed he had died. He had an interesting time rectifying this. So I checked out myself; turns out Wikipedia hasn't discovered me yet. Good. Googled myself, and it turns out that I either died in 1977 or am still a math professor with a kctcs email account, and office in the Moloney Building, etc. I feel a bit better, though.
We're off to San Francisco on Tuesday. Sarah says they haven't had a tsunami there and that the weather is supposed to be bad. Among other things we plan to go to Frontera Grill, Rick Bayless's taqueria in Macy's on Union Square. Should be fun.
Tom and AJ (Tom being Aaron's friend who read the Rilke piece at their wedding) have both been looking for academic jobs. Trouble is (one of the troubles) they are not in the same actual field but in what would be at most colleges the Comparative Literature Dept. They keep getting just one offer at every department. U. Chicago REALLY wants her but has an Anti-nepotism policy. The must really want her, too as they recently upped the ante to an ENDOWED CHAIR they created for her; she's a new, untenured faculty person! She keeps telling them that all she wants is a position for Tom, too. Looks like they may go to Cornell, which has made offers to both of them. Clearly those two are hot properties...
cheers, lillie
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