Tuesday, March 1, 2011

It's a (near) MIRACLE

So it turns out that the lightning tripped the outlet thing with the reset buttons on it, and although I had punched that in quite a few times, I HAD NOT PUNCHED IT FAR ENOUGH.

Thank you, thank you, Timmy (he's our wonderful electrician). The outlets now work, AND the ice maker is on. And the good news (I guess) is that the entire incident tricked me into cleaning out the ice maker. No clue where they came from, but there were a couple of bird feathers down in the bottom.



  1. You know, I wondered about that - we have a couple of big GFI (ground fault interrupt - those outlets) loops in the house, so sometimes an outlet will go dead in the kitchen or outside and I have to go hit the reset button in the master bath. Took a while to work that out the first time.

  2. Thanks. I confess to have rather panicked (is that a word?). I shall forever be grateful to Timmy who helped me fix it without getting him out here (costing $$ and of course delays in getting my ice maker back online...a serious setback to my life...you have no clue...)!

  3. I realize this is my fault, but I didn't know you had a blog you were making entries on. Back in Kentucky is the one I was watching, but the last post was last May.
