Thursday, March 10, 2011

mid march

It is FINALLY Lent; yesterday was Ash Wednesday. Everybody has been running around Lex the last week sporting all those Mardi Gras beads; everybody except me, that is. What am I giving up for Lent? the obvious is Scotch, which would have the added bonus that I would probably lose some weight. May be a bit drastic, though. Evidently Stephen Colbert gave up Catholicism for Lent, something I can relate to.

It has been SNOWING all (ALL) afternoon. Big wet globby stuff, won't stick, but it's still insulting. It is the middle of March, right?

Worked up the nerve to try to contact/phone our Aunt Katherine (Daddy's baby sister, the one who sorta hasn't talked to anybody in the family for ten years...sounds like one of the Martin clan). Her phone has been disconnected. I'm still working on it. Can't find record of her death or anything. Wish (sort of) that I'd made more of an effort to get to know Tommy's children (Tommy being her second husband, had two sons, I did meet them once or twice, but that was it).

Phil's cousin Jeannette's son became a daddy on Tuesday. Everybody is evidently trying to decide who the little guy looks like. (1) he has a biggish nose, but (2) otherwise looks a great deal like a newborn whose face isn't exactly squashed. He is a good size, though, and looks nice and healthy, which should be the goal!

cheers, lillie

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