I also looked around the farm (part of it, at least). It's always interesting seeing what has died over the winter, and what hasn't. Daffodils are in full bloom; trees are budding. Weather is typically crazy for spring. It got up to 80 degrees today, but now a front is blowing through (accompanied by tornadoes, etc. of course), and the temperature has dropped a Texas-style 20 degrees. Supposed to be in the 30's by morning. The shittake mushrooms are growing on the logs again (thanks to the rain). Those logs are about 6 or 7 years old, and it is surprising that they are still producing. I got several pounds of them; not clear what I'm going to do with all of them. Will dry some, of course.
On other fronts, the herbs I have been trying to start indoors haven't died yet. Neither have the herbs I bought from Smit's (lemon thyme, rosemary, aloe vera, and sage) and re-potted. I've decided that since the back porch is sort of a built-in greenhouse, I should make an actual effort to use it as such.
Evidently the line of hail and tornadoes is going south of us, for a change...
And Elizabeth Taylor has died. I still remember once when she visited London while we were in England, and Sybil Burton, Richard Burton's first wife, left town (he was already dead) saying that London wasn't large enough for TWO Mrs. Richard Burton's at the same time...
Cheers, Lillie
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