Thursday, June 23, 2011

Trip to Antibes and parts nearby

Last Sunday we drove from Couze to a B&B near Grasse; a mistake as it is seriously awkward to get from here to the wasp meeting Phil has been going to all week. I have spent most of the week driving around rather than either doing touristy things or any R&R. My own fault, though; I had no idea about the roads, and I'm the one who found and booked the place. On the way here (almost all motorway, wonderful but expensive what with all the tolls), we drove by Carcassonne, and stopped long enough for me to take a photo:
street in old Antibes

Antiibes Cathedral
one of Grimaldi palaces--Picasso lived here

another view of grimaldi palace
market place in Antibes

Napoleon was here

The first day of the conference I spent in Antibes, mostly in the old town, which is lovely and ancient and was crammed with Americans; a few Brits were scattered in the mix. The photos above may remain randomly placed, unless I can figure out how to do it better.I didn't actually like Antibes all that much. The rest of the peninsula was/is crowded with wall to wall huge apartment buildings that are too high, all evidently surrounded by gorgeous beach. Hot, bad traffic, too many cars and people. besides all the Americans. More on dinner later...cheers, Lillie
view across the bay


  1. Looks sunny, hot. Interesting architecture. Love the sea, of course. I read a biography - Picasso and Dora. She was his model & mistress. Of course he had other models and mistresses. I wonder if he lived in the palace pictured when he was involved with Dora. The book is downstairs and I'm lazy. ...maybe next trip down. Hope the wasp studiers are treating Phil better than the traffic is. Will enjoy hearing about dinner.

  2. I was allowed to post a comment, but had to click on "Post Comment" twice w/o success, so clicked on "Preview" and won the lottery. From prior experience, I don't think it matters which I click. I'm thinking that what matters is how busy the server is. just guessing.

  3. Success on first click on "Post Comment" that time. I'm good. Probably all is well.
    Carry on!
