Friday, June 17, 2011

lunch today, e.g., buckwheat crepes

So I got this bee in my bonnet that I should pursue buckwheat crepes or galettes or whatever they call them, brought on, basically, by reading about socca, which is pretty much crepes indigenous to the Nice area made from chickpea flour. I've read about socca before, and tried it in Lexington and it was, shall we say, not a roaring success. But we've had buckwheat crepes long ago when we were up in Brittany. And I decided to make some, bought some buckwheat flour at the supermarket yesterday (it is called, are you ready for this? Sarrasin? sounds a LOT like Saracen to me, how about you? no clue where this comes from, just an observation). So what with one thing and another, we ended up having buckwheat crepes for lunch today.

So I filled them with the rest of the smoked salmon filets that were in in fridge, with some cooked, diced red onions, a bit of cucumber, chopped capers, lemon juice, creme fraiche...and topped with a bit more creme fraiche and the "caviar" left over from the night before, the "caviar" being black fish eggs of some sort...but hey, they are and were very good. The accompanying dish was chopped tomatoes and onions, seasoned, topped with curried mayonnaise. Not to mention the wine.

P. loves that tomato dish and has eaten, shall we say, rather a LOT of it. His take on the crepe dish was that it was/is (I guess "was", as it's gone...) a "10". So there....

We're off to Antibes and parts thereof on Sunday, for a week...should be lots of good food out there...stay tuned...

Cheers, Lillie


  1. I created a blog. So I'm going to see if this will now post.

  2. After I created a blog, and entered a post here, it sent me to the "Create a blog" page. On it, one can sign in, which I did, even though I had tried to sign in BEFORE I tried the first post and it said I was already signed in. (Do you think there are some programming issues Google needs to address???) Anyway, I signed in again, and it let me post. This is a partial victory: I get to post, but I had to create my own blog to do it.

  3. Wow. I envy your food. (We've been moving house; I haven't cooked in at least a solid month, save for two fried eggs and a grilled cheese sandwich.) Moving craziness.

    Also - you're making another hat for "Sarah's offspring"? I may have missed a memo - congrats to them!
