Thursday, April 7, 2011

two things, neither of them about food

Okay, folks, well, maybe it's only one, but this is NOT about food.

IMHO (which means: In My Humble Opinion), if the Tea Partiers in the House of Representatives want to refuse to pass a budget because they want to deny funding for Planned Parenthood and also funding for the EPA to enforce current law, which will cause a "budget shutdown", I would suggest that the "Federal Budget Shutdown", should include not just a shutdown of "nonessential" functions, but also:

EVERYTHiNG that the Federal budget funds, in whole or in part, e.g.,

Air Traffic Controllers;
The Secret Service;
All domestic-based military personnel;
ALL congressional benefits, e.g., salaries, benefits, barber shops in the capitol, all beauty shops in the capitol, the capitol cafetiria and restaurant, the capitol barbershop and capitol beauty parlor, the secret service., etc....I don't have a clue WHAT ALL the feds finance but if there's to be a shut down, it should be a SERIOUSLY REAL SHUT DOWN....

1 comment:

  1. So I discovered this blog. again. reading backwards in time, I find that I had found it in Feb or so. Then I lost it again. St. Anthony came to the rescue....
    Enjoyed reading about San Fran and etc. Airport clerk definitely has fried brain.
    Photo of shitakes is lovely perspective, texture contrast bark/mushrooms.
    All congresspersons' perks should be shut down. Don't they even have their own restrooms?
