Friday, April 8, 2011

April 8, Sharon Jistel's b'day

I went to high school with Sharon; she's two days younger than I am. We didn't do anything on my birthday on Wednesday; I wanted to go to Holy Hill but they weren't open. Turns out I have pneumonia, e.g., the bronchitis didn't go away with the Z-pac, and I now have pneumonia.

So Congress is going to shut the government down over miniscule funding for Planned Parenthood. So Republicans want to cut the deficit; how about re-instating the Bush tax cuts. Nobody was whining about the resulting deficit (except me) when we cut taxes not once, but twice, and started not one, but TWO wars. Without funding them.

If we're going to shut down the government, how about we REALLY shut the government down? We can't cut the soldiers in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. off, but we could indeed shut the government down at home. Air traffic controllers? Lay them off. Highway repairs? do them sometime later...the barberships and hairdressers and restaurants and cafeterias in the Capitol? Shut them down. The cleaning crew in the Capitol, the White House, the staff in the White House, all congressional aides, assistants, secretaries, etc., etc...? Lay them off. If there's to be a government shutdown, there should be a REAL government shutdown. It needs to hurt congress as well as the rest of us. The DOJ? Shut it down...Post office? Ditto. See how long before people really, REALLY scream. And hurt....

I'm disgusted...

1 comment:

  1. 1. I trust you have antibiotics or whatever and you are being SENSIBLE about taking care of yourself....even pampering yourself....Martin & Phil can do takeout. (I admit I'm nagging. Bad habit.)
    2. The only things that need to shut down to unjam the logjam are the things that affect the Senators and Congresspeople immediately. Close their cafeteria. Close their VIP restrooms. No travel services. Send their staff (and I mean all of them) for a spa vacation. Shut down their internet access. Send the lobbyists far from Washington. No parking. No limos. No photo-ops. Just work. At their desks either in chambers or their (lonely) offices.
